xain_fl.coordinator package

Defines constants to be used throughout the module


xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator module

XAIN FL Coordinator

class xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator(num_rounds=1, minimum_participants_in_round=1, fraction_of_participants=1.0, weights=[], epochs=1, epoch_base=0, aggregator=None, controller=None)

Bases: object

Class implementing the main Coordinator logic. It is implemented as a state machine that reacts to received messages.

The states of the Coordinator are:

  • STANDBY: The coordinator is in standby mode, typically when waiting for participants to connect. In this mode the only messages that the coordinator can receive are RendezvousRequest and HeartbeatRequest.

  • ROUND: A round is currently in progress. During a round the important messages the coordinator can receive are StartTrainingRoundRequest and EndTrainingRoundRequest. Since participants are selected for rounds or not, they can be advertised either ROUND or STANDBY accordingly.

  • FINISHED: The training session has ended and participants should disconnect from the coordinator.

States are exchanged during heartbeats so that both coordinators and participants can react to each others state change.

The flow of the Coordinator:

  1. The coordinator is started and waits for enough participants to join. STANDBY.

  2. Once enough participants are connected the coordinator starts the rounds. ROUND N.

  3. Repeat step 2. for the given number of rounds

  4. The training session is over and the coordinator is ready to shutdown. FINISHED.


RendezvousRequest is always allowed regardless of which state the coordinator is on.

  • num_rounds (int) – The number of rounds of the training session

  • minimum_participants_in_round (int) – The minimum number of participants that participate in a round

  • fraction_of_participants (float) – The fraction of total connected participants to be selected in a single round. Defaults to 1.0, meaning that all connected participants will be selected. It must be in the (0.0, 1.0] interval.

  • weights (List[ndarray]) – The weights of the global model.

  • epochs (int) – Number of training iterations local to Participant.

  • epochs_base – Global number of epochs as of last round.

  • aggregator (Optional[Aggregator]) – The type of aggregation to perform at the end of each round. Defaults to FederatedAveragingAgg.

  • controller (Optional[Controller]) – Controls how the Participants are selected at the start of each round. Defaults to RandomController.

DEFAULT_AGGREGATOR = <xain_fl.fl.coordinator.aggregate.FederatedAveragingAgg object>

if no Aggregator instance is provided during initialisation, then FederatedAveragingAgg in used.

DEFAULT_CONTROLLER = <xain_fl.fl.coordinator.controller.RandomController object>

if no Controller instance is provided during initialisation, then RandomController in used.


Calculates how many participants are needed so that we can select a specific fraction of them. :returns: int: Minimum number of participants needed to be connected to start a round. :rtype: obj

on_message(message, participant_id)

Coordinator method that implements the state machine.

  • message (GeneratedProtocolMessageType) – A protobuf message.

  • participant_id (str) – The id of the participant making the request.

Return type



The response sent back to the participant.


Remove a participant from the list of accepted participants.

This method is to be called when it is detected that a participant has disconnected. After a participant is removed, if the number of remaining participants is less than the minimum number of participants that need to be connected, the Coordinator will transition to STANDBY state.


participant_id (str) – The id of the participant to remove.

Return type



Selects the participant ids and initiates a Round.

Return type


xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator_grpc module

XAIN FL gRPC Coordinator

class xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator_grpc.CoordinatorGrpc(coordinator, store)

Bases: xain_proto.fl.coordinator_pb2_grpc.CoordinatorServicer

The Coordinator gRPC service.

The main logic for the Coordinator is decoupled from gRPC and implemented in the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator class. The gRPC message only handles client requests and forwards the messages to xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator.

  • coordinator (Coordinator) – The Coordinator state machine.

  • store (Store) – The Store in which the coordinator fetches trained models from the participants and to which it saves aggregated models.

EndTrainingRound(request, context)

The EndTrainingRound gRPC method.

Once a participant has finished the training for the round it calls this method in order to submit to the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator the updated weights.

  • request (EndTrainingRoundRequest) – The participant’s request. The request contains the updated weights as a result of the training as well as any metrics helpful for the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context associated with the gRPC request.

Return type



The response to the participant’s request. The response is just an acknowledgment that the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator successfully received the updated weights.

Heartbeat(request, context)

The Heartbeat gRPC method.

Participants periodically send an heartbeat so that the Coordinator can detect failures.

  • request (HeartbeatRequest) – The participant’s request. The participant’s request contains the current State and round number the participant is on.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context associated with the gRPC request.

Return type



The response to the participant’s request. The response contains both the State and the current round the coordinator is on. If a training session has not started yet the round number defaults to 0.

Rendezvous(request, context)

The Rendezvous gRPC method.

A participant contacts the coordinator and the coordinator adds the participant to its list of participants. If the coordinator already has all the participants it tells the participant to try again later.

  • request (RendezvousRequest) – The participant’s request.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context associated with the gRPC request.

Return type



The response to the participant’s request. The response is an enum containing either:

StartTrainingRound(request, context)

The StartTrainingRound gRPC method.

Once a participant is notified that the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator is in a round (through the state advertised in the HeartbeatResponse), the participant should call this method in order to get the global model weights in order to start the training for the round.

  • request (StartTrainingRoundRequest) – The participant’s request.

  • context (ServicerContext) – The context associated with the gRPC request.

Return type



The response to the participant’s request. The response contains the global model weights.

xain_fl.coordinator.heartbeat module

XAIN FL Hearbeats

xain_fl.coordinator.heartbeat.monitor_heartbeats(coordinator, terminate_event)

Monitors the heartbeat of participants.

If a heartbeat expires the participant is removed from the Participants.


This is meant to be run inside a thread and expects an Event, to know when it should terminate.

  • coordinator (Coordinator) – The coordinator to monitor for heartbeats.

  • terminate_event (Event) – A threading event to signal that this method should terminate.

Return type


xain_fl.coordinator.participants module

XAIN FL Participants

class xain_fl.coordinator.participants.ParticipantContext(participant_id)

Bases: object

Class to store state about each participant. Currently it only stores the participant_id and the time when the next heartbeat_expires.

In the future we may store more information like in what state a participant is in e.g. IDLE, RUNNING, …


participant_id (str) – The id of the participant. Typically a host:port or public key when using SSL.

class xain_fl.coordinator.participants.Participants

Bases: object

This class provides some useful methods to handle all the participants connected to a coordinator in a thread safe manner by protecting access to the participants list with a lock.


Adds a new participant to the list of participants.


participant_id (str) – The id of the participant to add.

Return type



Get the ids of the participants.

Return type



The list of participant ids.


Get the number of participants.

Return type



The number of participants in the list.


Helper method to check what is the next heartbeat to expire.

Currently being used by the heartbeat_monitor to check how long it should sleep until the next check.

Return type



The next heartbeat to expire.


Removes a participant from the list of participants.

This will be typically used after a participant is disconnected from the coordinator.


participant_id (str) – The id of the participant to remove.

Return type



Updates the heartbeat expiration time for a participant.

This is currently called by the xain_fl.coordinator.coordinator.Coordinator every time a participant sends a heartbeat.


participant_id (str) – The id of the participant to update the expire time.

Return type


xain_fl.coordinator.round module

XAIN FL Rounds

class xain_fl.coordinator.round.Round(participant_ids)

Bases: object

Class to manage the state of a single round. This class contains the logic to handle all updates sent by the participants during a round and does some sanity checks like preventing the same participant to submit multiple updates during a single round.


participant_ids (List[str]) – The list of IDs of the participants selected to participate in this round.

add_updates(participant_id, weight_update, metrics)

Valid a participant’s update for the round.

  • participant_id (str) – The id of the participant making the request.

  • weight_update (Tuple[List[ndarray], int]) – A tuple containing a list of updated weights.

  • metrics (Dict[str, ndarray]) – A dictionary containing metrics with the name and the value as list of ndarrays.


DuplicatedUpdateError – If the participant already submitted his update this round.

Return type



Get a list of all participants weight updates. This list will usually be used by the aggregation function.

Return type

List[Tuple[List[ndarray], int]]


The list of weight updates from all participants.


Check if all the required participants submitted their updates this round. If all participants submitted their updates the round is considered finished.

Return type



True if all participants submitted their updates this round. False otherwise.

xain_fl.coordinator.store module

class xain_fl.coordinator.store.Store(config)

Bases: object

Return type


write_weights(round, weights)
class xain_fl.coordinator.store.StoreConfig(endpoint_url, access_key_id, secret_access_key, bucket)

Bases: object